Cadillac Repair: Fuel pump problem, electric fuel pump, fuel gauge

QUESTION: I have a 92 deville, i recently replaced the fuel pump 1 year ago and tuned it up. My fuel gauge always reads low or act up when at 3 gallons or less. I gave out of gas recently, i then filled up.I added seafoam cause of the bad gas, and now my car won't crank. It just spend like it want too. What should i do. Need help ASAP

ANSWER: First do NOT use that junk SEA FOAM.

Do you mean that when you try and start the car the engine does not make any noise at all ?. Or does the engine crank but it just won't start ?.

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QUESTION: it will just spin an act like it wants to crank. it does make noise and crank but won't start.

ANSWER: Get yourself a helper.

1. remove the gas cap and have your helper listen at the gas cap opening.

2. You turn the ignition key to the ON position whereas the dash lights light up, But do NOT try and start the engine.

3. As soon as you turn the key to the ON position, Your helper should be able to hear the electric fuel pump in the gas tank make a buzzing sound for 2 (two) seconds and then it will stop.

4. DOES IT ?.

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QUESTION: yea it does makes a buzz sound then stop. Now it crankes but when i get down in the gas it hesitates then pops like a slight back fire. Or it will cut off.

Just see if the car will start and keep reving the engine to higher speeds for a few minutes to purge the air.

If the engine still acts up you may have damaged the fuel pump and it is not delivering enough pressure to the engine.

The fuel pump runs so fast that it gets HOT and what cools the pump is thje gas in the fuel tank. So if you keep running the gas near empty the hotter the fuel pump gets and can cause it to fail.