Cadillac Repair: error codes on my cadillac, r 134 freon, r 12 freon

I had 2 codes come up on my car. The car is a 1992 Cadillac
Deville with a 4.9 Liter engine. The 2 codes that came up are E-71 and F-46. I looked in a Hanes auto guide but could not find them. I was wondering if you could tell me what the codes were. Thanks

E71 = Intermittent MAP (manifold Absolute Pressure) sensor.

F46 = Very LOW freon in the A/C system (this is usually caused by trying to convert the A/C system from R-12 freon to the newer R-134a freon. You MUST use thr R-12 because the sensors are NOT calibrated for the R-134 freon.

If this is NOT the case with the F47 code then the most likely suspect is you are low on freon.

I need to know if the codes appeared as ONLY E71 and F46 or did they also appear as EE71 and FF47.

If they only appeared as E71 and F47:

Re-enetr diagnostics and when you see .7.0  perform this sequence:

1. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and HI buttons on your climate control panel until you see E.0.0

2. Simultaneously push and hold the OFF and LO buttons on your climate control panel until you see F.0.0

3. Turn ignition OFF wait 10 seconds and see if any of the codes re-appear as E or EE or F or FF codes.

REMEMBER, You CANNOT convert the system to R-134 freon.