Cadillac Repair: battary keeps dieing, fusible links, autozone

i need to find out about useable links. i have a 87 caddy altnator, new battery. battary still keeps dyeing. the guys at discount  said to check the fusible links. i need to know what they are, where to find them, and how to find them.

The FIRST thing you need to do is have the charging system tested at any auto parts store such as AUTOZONE who will test it for free.

Let me know if it is charging OK and then we can test for items that are causing excessive amperage draw from the battery thus causing it to go flat. The maximum amount of ampergae draw on the battery when you are parking it for the night is 1/2 amp.

IS or HAS the CHECK ENGINE light ever illuminated on the dash ?. If it HAS, Check the computers for fault codes.