Cadillac Repair: Expert info, cadillac repair, computer drawings

QUESTION: Sorry for using this format but I have no idea how else to get messages to other experts.
Thought you might like to know that our "Cadillac Repair" section now has image upload capability.

ANSWER: How many uploads can you do and how big are the pictures ?.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Damn good question. I haven't tried it out yet. I asked quite a while ago about the feature but never heard back from admin. Just today I heard from them that they had turned it on for us. I went in and verified it was on but that's it, didn't play with it yet. The option appears at the "preview" screen.
Is this the only way we can contact other experts? You'd think there would be an IM option or something.

They state IMAGE. This to me means ONE PICTURE of an unknown size. Most problems require NUMEROUS pictures and I will be darned if I am going to spend 10 to 15 minutes HAND DRAWING one picture that I have to create, Just so other people can COPY my drawings.

Most of my computer drawings look like a second grader made them. I will just have to do the best I can with words like I have been.