Cadillac Repair: Audio install to 1995 Deville, bose systems, radio tape

I recently purchased 1995 Deville Sedan. The OEM audio system (Part # 16174346) has only Radio and Tape and I wanted a system that can play CDs as well.  I found another audio made by Delco for Cadillac and I was told it will fit into my 1995 Deville (this system has radio, tape and cd player). The part # is 16163906. When I received it I noticed that the wires of the "new" audio are different. Also I cannot see an antena receiver on it (a place where  can connect the antenna). I tried to find a wire diagram for the new radio but I did not succeed. Any suggestiong how to install this "new" audio will be appreciated.

As far as I know the base system on your car is NOT interchangeable with the other two systems available that year (Active Audio and Bose systems). You might be able to swap one from another year or model (such as from a Fleetwood). But you need an application that DOES NOT have a remote receiver. Your receiver is built into the main radio (that's why the antenna plugs into yours). Contact your local junkyard, they have a book or computer program that is like a master interchange for parts like stereos.