Cadillac Repair: Starter Disabled Prompt, wire battery, cadillac deville

I bought my son a 1995 Cadillac Deville, 4.9 Litter engine.  He changed the radio out and the car will not start.  The car prompts a starter disabled, try again after 3 minutes.  After the count down is complete and you try to start it again.  The same thing happens.  What can I do to correct this problem?  The dealership stated that I need to have it towed in and they can tell me what the problem is.

The original radio uses three voltage sources, 5 volts, 16 volts and battery voltage. Your son most likely used a test light to find the POWER WIRE (battery voltage wire and hooked up either the 5 or 16 volt supply to the radio and fried the speedometer cluster.

However, You won't know for sure until tests are performed.

This can get very very expensive.