Cadillac Repair: 93 cadillac code 47, climate control unit, plastic tubes

My cadillac has a code 47.The climate control and fuel data are blank and is not charging I have tried new BCM and new PCM and differant fuel data and climate control unit.still having data problem.

Hi Dan, To help you out I need to know what model Cadillac you have. If you have the FWD Deville what you can do is unplug the climate control with the key off and then turn it on and see if the others light up. If they do then that panel is bad even though it is a differant panel. Key off plug the ccp in and unplug the fuel panel. Key on and see if the other lights up. Unplug the programmer which is behind the glovebox. It has a rod on top, black plastic box and 5 plastic tubes in a connector near the bottom. Turn the key on and the panels might light up. If so then replace the programmer.

       If the panels are still dark let me know what model you have and what happened when unplugging the panels and we'll go from there. Bill