Cadillac Repair: 1991 cad deville 2dr pass. seat, fuse panel, passengers seat

I just bought this car today, after getting it home,discovered pass seat will not raise or lower? will move forward and tilt. Also will need to find the fuse panel or solution to the interior lites/shifting selector panel lites are out at night? think all these are minor repairs, just have to track them down? appreciate your help. car has 133,000  no dents and black, shines up great, I got it for a work car, but am getting attached as it looks nicer all the time? been told, that motor in 1991 was suppose to be very good compared to later or earlier models?

IF the passengers seat is a 6 way power seat which is very unusual , It would have to have the identical seat motor assemblies as the drivers side. Look under BOTH front seats if they are not IDENTICAL looking then the passengers seat is NOT a 6 way seat.

If it is a 6 way seat one of the motors is most likely burnt out and will need to be replaced.

As for the shift selector you will need to replace the bulb on an ANALOG display.