Cadillac Repair: Automatic Leveling Systems, compressor pumps, soapy water

I have a 99 Seville.  The Automatic Leveling Systems compressor pumps up, stops for about 60 seconds, then begins pumping again as if the system is loosing air pressure.    
Do I have an alternative to the ~$1K to fix?  Is there a way to replace this system with normal shocks?


Hi Sam, You will need to find and fix your leak. It might be a line, o-ring, strut or compressor. A bottle of soapy water to spray the componants would help find the leak. With the Seville I don't believe there is an alternative for the high prices struts. You will need to take this vehicle to a sharp Caddy tech and have them check it out. That is a problem with the Cadillacs when they went to the electric valve struts and that is they are very expensive to fix and the reliability of the parts is poor. It has made some people trade in their car as opposed to fixing especially if you need 2 or more struts. Bill