Chevrolet Repair: 1983 Chevy S10 Wiring Problems, chevy s10, wrecking yard

I just bought an 83 Chevy S10 4WD 2.8L and all of a sudden it stopped running. I replaced the distributor and realized there is no spark to the plugs. The ignition coil has four wires coming off of it, one pink and three white. I bought the manual but it doesn't show where these wires need to go. PLEASE HELP!

Hi Stacy...the ign coil should have a plug on it.same for the dist. if plug is missing then a quick way would be to go to a wrecking yard and cut plug in off the same truck and connect the colors then plug it in. if not that then turn key on and the wire with power goes to positive side of coil the rest neg. we can't send pics over this link but if you go to the local chev dealer they will give you a wiring diagram... they are pretty friendly these days.... hope this helps