Chevrolet Repair: 97 Chev Venture Van- Backfiring, Chugging etc., fuse box, cat converter

We bought this van last fall, it ran fine then sat all winter. Now it stalls when going under 40km/hr, while driving it chuggs, and backfires and has no power, then it feels like the gas kicks in and it will drive fine for about 30 sec. then it starts chugging and backfiring again. We paid a mechanic to put a new EGR sensor I think it's called on, and that worked for about 15km; and now it's doing the same thing again.

Hi Krystal.... well if your van sat all winter i would look at the fuel system....gas turns to varnish when it sits so try changing the fuel filter and put some inj cleaner in the fuel. top it up with fresh gas...also check to see if cat converter is plugged up from trying to burn the old fuel. also check to see if there is corrosion in any of the ign connections under the hood... sitting can cause this as well...if there is unplug the connection and clean...same with battery terminals and connections at the under hood fuse box... hope this helps