Chevrolet Repair: 1995 Chevy S10 Blazer 4wd, chevy s10 blazer, 1995 chevy s10 blazer

Recentlt dropped tank to repair wires to fuel pump for a no start condition. Put back together and was running than it stopped. Now it won't start. Can hear pump running when I turn on the key than stops after about 2 seconds I guess when pressure builds up. When Iturn the ignition to start it cranks but doesn't start. When I shut the key off I hear the pump running for about 5-6 seconds than shuts off. Any ideas?

Hi Cy.... when you dropped tank did you remove fuel lines...if you did make sure you didn't mix them up. easy check is at the fuel rail there should be a valve that looks like a tire valve... cycle key the push in the valve and see if you have fuel pressure.. if no pressure check your lines to see if reversed or plugged fuel filter...also sometime even though pump runs you may not get fuel pressure as impeller is broke on the may need to check that...hope this helps