Chevrolet Repair: TBI PROBLEM, emergency brake, chock

hi, don answered a question regarding the problem with my 7.4 tbi in my truck. he recomend cleaning out which i did and seemed like vacuum outlets were cloged.put back to getehr and it ran great till i shut it off.when you retstart it idles high the drops down and sometimes loads up a little now, but what i noticed is the timing is changing even when it goes back down to idle. any ifo would be appreicated. thanks steve

Don't worry about the timing because the EST system is doing that on its own.  You did not indicate what year it is and depending on what year it is it could need an idle relearn, crank relearn or reflash.  You cna try relearning the idle yourself by disconnecting the battery for 2 min, reconnect, start vehicle, apply emergency brake and chock wheels.  Leave vehicle in drive for 5 min with AC on max.
