Chevrolet Repair: 2001chev blazer 4x4, coil wire, fuel pump

last week I went to start my vehicle and it would start and seemed to labor as it was spinning over, still it would not start. I got a boost and it still didn't start. I left it for about four hours and when I went to start it, it coughed once or twice and then fired up. The rest off the week it ran well, always starting immediately and running well. One week later I went to start it and and the same problem occurred, slow crank and then battery dies after about two or three attempts. I got a boost, again it labored to start, coughed two or three times then started. It is running fine again, starting no problem, running good. It's just a matter of time before this happens again, what gives? Vapour lock? bad fuel pump? bad relay? GRRRRRRR!


Is there any possibility your labored cranking is actually the spark event happening at the wrong time on the wrong cylinder?  The dist caps on those get moisture under them and the spark in the morning wants to travel over the water instead of air.  Next time it labors and backfires disconnect the coil wire and crank it.  See if it sounds normal then.
