Chevrolet Repair: 1988 s10 tranny, open throttle, tranny fluid

QUESTION: hey wayne i got a 1988 chevy s10 i was going down the road fine with the tranny working. i came to a stop at a red light. started to go and couldnt get back into second gear so some how i lost second gear if u could reply back that would be great thank u

ANSWER: Is it automatic or standard? I am guess that your car will not shift out of first?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hey wayne its the chey guy again the the second gear problem its a aotumatic


  If the transmission has a vacuum modulator to it make sure it is connected and has adequate vacuum to it.  It will be under the vehicle on the passengers side by the valve body.  Make sure the little rubber end on the line hasn't deteriorated and pull it off to make sure there is no tranny fluid leaking out of the hole.  Check the linkage at the throttle body to make sure the detent cable isn't broken or jammed.  At wide open throttle the detent cable should be taught.
