Chevrolet Repair: Impala 2004 HELP PLEASE, passlock, steering wheel

where do I start I have a Impala 2004 in July I replaced the ignition because it was locked up and would not let me turn the key at all. Since then it was acted up every once in a while but now it is really bad again and it will not turn at all but when I tried the first time the dash board said security. I looked this up in my owners manual and it said something about a passlock on my car. I don't have money to fix this problem about since I thought I already fixed it and my car is not even paid off yet. But my boyfriend know a little about cars and with some direction he might be able to fix it. SO I hope you can help. Thanks much and happy holidays

Hi Colleen... first try holding the shifter up in park and see if you can turn it, also make sure your steering wheel is not jamming the steering lock, try moving the wheel while turning the key. passlock is the chip in the key and has nothing to do with turning it. if it won't turn it is something jamming the steering/shifter lock in the steering coloum, usually pressure from the shifter or the steering wheel turned too hard against the lock... hope this helps..Merry Christmas