Chevrolet Repair: chevy corsica heat blower, chevy corsica, high beams

QUESTION: Hi C J S. My 96 Corsica suddenly has the high beams stuck on. I smelled something burning in the steering column area when this occurred. Any ideas? Can I fix this myself? How involved is it? Thanks for your help!

ANSWER: Hi Stephanie,

You probably smoked the headlight switch.  This can be a difficult job.  You need to remove the steering wheel, and you probably have an airbag in yours.  Best to get someone who is familiar with removing this type of steering wheel.  Once that is out of the way, you should have no trouble from there.  

Good luck.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey there, thanks so much for your time and willingness to volunteer to do this. It is greatly appreciated. I haven't bothered to get this looked at. But the same car above doesn't blow heat consistently. The hot air is there, but the blower won't work regularly. Now that I am using the AC, it works perfectly for that, but just wouldn't blow for the heat/defroster. What say you?  Thanks again.

Hi Tim,

Thanks for the nice words.  I feel that the blower motor itself is OK.  This is because it works with the A/C.  I think the problem is in the heat door under the dash.  

This door is selected by the positioner on the dash.  That operates a vacuum motor or electircal motor.  That motor is probably defective.  When you need heat, it is cold, naturally.  The interior is cold, and the door motor is cold.  When you need A/C, it is hot, inside the car.  Things work better in the heat than the cold.  

That is the best I can think of.