Chevrolet Repair: 93 Chevy blazer trans wont shift, chevy 4x4, chevy blazer

I have a 93 Chevy 4x4. Was told it has 4L60? The problem is it wont go in drive. I get all gears but drive and overdrive. Could this be a cheap easy fix or an expensive hard one? Has 230k,had trans flushed last spring.Started shifting funny afterward. Finally stopped going in drive.Thanks in advance for your help. Good day.  

Hi Sheila,

Probably a shift solenoid.  An honest trans shop (if there is such a thing) sould change them all for you for under $300.  You could do it yourself for about half that.  

You need to drop the trans pan, and they are all right there.  Change them all.  If you don't, you will be there again soon.  

Good luck