Chevrolet Repair: Truck suddenly dies, dodge dakota, pressure tester

I have a 1993 Dodge Dakota with 48K miles.  For a number of years it has
occasionally died suddenly while driving, just going dead very abruptly.  
Sometimes I can start it back up right away, other times I have to wait 5 to 20
minutes.  For the past couple years after it died I  disconnected the battery
for a short period and this seemed to fix it for 9 months or so.  Now it has
gotten much worse and disconnecting the battery doesn't help. One of the
first times it did this a shop looked at it and couldn't find any bad codes nor
could duplicate it. Any suggestions ?

Hello David,
The very first thing I would want to know is if the fuel pump is running when it dies, or won't start.
Even if it is running, I would want to know if it is supplying the correct pressure.
Lack of fuel won't set a code on that.
So I would connect a fuel pressure tester with a long enough hose to have the guage inside, or at least in front of the windshield so you can see it, and see if the pressure drops causing the dying, or if it dies before the pressure drops.

If the pressure holds till after it dies, I would be looking at ignition possibilities, but eliminate the fuel first.
