Chevrolet Repair: 1993 Chevy van 350 TBI, coolant holes, intake manifold gasket

QUESTION: I had a small leak at left rear of intake manifold. Replaced gasket and now there is coolant coming out the exhaust. I took the intake off again, saw no signs of damage and replaced with another gasket. Still coolant coming out exhaust pipe! I was very careful to torque manifold bolts to 35lbs using a "click" type torque wrench.
I purchased gasket set from dealer and made sure coolant holes matched up. Again, the gasket looked perfect with no signs of damage or leaking past gasket. Used proper sealant as well especially around coolant holes. Somehow coolant must be entering combustion chamber getting past exhaust valve to get out tail pipe....Any suggestions.
Van has 75000miles on her....Thanks Tom Snow

I am not sure if you mean the coolant is coming out the exhaust in coolant form, or as a steam.  If in coolant form, is it coming out the tailpipe, or somewhere close to the motor?  I don't see how coolant is getting out the tailpipe in liquid form; if it is.  

I know that if coolant got into the combustion chamber while running, it is steam now.  I know that some of the bolts that hold the exhaust manifold onto the head have coolant behind them.  If the exhaust manifold cracked and the bolt leaks, the coolant can get into the exhaust this way.  Unlikely.  I suspect a head gasket or cracked head.  However, that still doesn't explain how liquid could get out the tailpipe; if it is.  

I need more info to help you fully.  Sorry:(


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Yes, there's a bit of steam too but when you accelerate hard and watch the tailpipe, streams of water come out! and I mean streams!!!I've never seen anything like it. I thought maybe a cracked head or head gasket too but why all of a sudden just after replacing the intake manifold gasket. I do know that there are coolant passage ports on the intake I believe in the front and the rear where the intake manifold matches up to the head. I was told that you have to be very careful when replacing the intake gasket that it "mates" properly. Is it possible that my intake manifold is warped???? The engine did overheat once and once i got it running I drove her on the highway and she ran fine(with steam and water coming out the tailpipe. And after driving 10-15 miles or so the "check engine" light would come on at high speed and then go off at lower speeds in town. That never happened before. The van has gone "cross country" a number of times. It is a Starcraft custom van that I paid $30,000 for in 93. They don't even make them like mine anymore. A custom van now doesnn't have teak wood inside and all the fancy stuff if you know what I mean. At least not in the G2500 model. Even the best new custom vans seem "cheap" today compared to mine. I would even go as far as to put a new engine in her since my wife and I love this van..... Also, where is the fuel filter located on her???? She sat for 6 months and now she acts as if she's out of gas. Starts and stops immediately, Starts and stops immediately.....Thanks for taking the time to email me.....Tom Snow

I have to believe the head is cracked or the intake is cracked.  Since you redid the job twice, I am sure the problem is not the gasket.  

Usually 350 can take abuse.  However, the intake is probably aluminum.  It could have warped, but most likely has a crack internally or external.  Take the intake off again, use a straight edge at the mounting surfaces.  If you see a gap of light under the straight edge, use feeler fuage to see how much gap.  Look to see if the gap is within tolerances.  If OK, have the intake magnafluxed.  This is where metal shavings are sprinkled all over the intake, then a magnet is applied.  The shavings will develope in a pattern around the crack.  

Hope this helps.