Chevrolet Repair: 1986 Chevrolet Caprice Distributor problems, chevrolet caprice, new spark

I have replaced the distributor cap and rotor. I have added new spark plugs and wires. The vehicle will not run unless I take the Distributor cap off and wipe it down. Not sure of what else to do. Can you please assist..Thanks

ok since you stated 'wiping it down' im thinking there is moisture in there from something, condensation, fluid, etc.. that shouldn't be there. any kind of damp will kill the spark.

there should be a gasket or something if i am remembering my cars.. foam-ish.. that the cap sits on and seals so nothing can get in... or out.. you have to keep that dry, check for leaks, something that would be causing it..

if there is no wet  in there and dry and your wiping the outside off... check  the cap itself  and rotor for issues.. maybe when your wiping it your temporarily fixing it..


make sure its installed properly and aligned correctly.
hope this help you somewhat.