Chevrolet Repair: 2001 chevy cavalier, atlanta motor speedway, chevy cavalier

hello,i have a 2001 chevy cavalier.when i turn the wheels to the left or right,there is a clunking can be sitting still or moving.The noise seems to be comeing straight down from the steering boyfriend checked it out.he said it seems to be comeing from a joint type thing where the steering goes into the rackinpinion.he doesnt know much about the newer cars.can you give me an answer of the possibilities of what this may be?and what i may have to replace?

The rack is held in with 2 brackets. Inside these brackets are rubber mounts to aleviate vibrations or loud clunking noises. Check to see if there are busings holding the rack in. If not, remove the two nuts and you should be able to work the rubber mount out if it is bad.Sorry it took so long to answer, went to the Atlanta Motor Speedway to watch the Bass Pro Shop 500 Nascar race.