Chevrolet Repair: 1999 Cavalier, philips screwdriver, light lens


This may be a really dumb question, but I can't find any help online. I have been advised that I have a "bad socket" that is causing my right signal light to speed up (the left is fine). What is a socket and where can I find it on my vehicle?

Please advise,

The bad socket they are referring to is either in the front or the back. Guessing it is in the back, the socket can be found by removing the tail light lens which is red in color. Usually it takes a philips screwdriver. Once removed the socket is what holds the light bulb into place and supplies electricity to the bulb when it is needed.
When the lens is removed, there may be wires running into a round looking (socket). To remove, just twist the socket.
To remove the bulb, push in lightly and twist.