Chevrolet Repair: 1995 Suburban Blower Motor Ground, ground icon, chris answer

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Question -
I was having trouble with my blower motor not working, I found out that there was a problem with the ground wire. I created an alternative ground wire for it, but cannot figure out where the original ground wire runs to from the blower motor. I want to see if the other end is loose but don't know where to check. Any ideas? let me know. Thanks Chris
Answer -
Hi Chris,
Normally it connects under one of the blower mounting screws on older vehicles, but if the blower is mounted on a plastic housing, then the ground needs to go to the firewall or engine.
Van,What I need to know is where the other end of the ground wire is located. the gound wire is attached at one end to the mounting bolt of the blower motor,but I need to find out where the other end is located so I can see if it is loose. Thanks....


Hi Chris,
Ouch!! That is gonna be tough.
The Mitchell manual I have only shows that it connects to ground with the generic ground icon.
I can see why you might want to know, in case something else uses the same ground connection.

I know one way I would attempt to find it. I do some phone line, and Cat5 line work also, so I went to Lowes and bought one of those tone generators, and trace probes that the phone repair guys use. Actually pretty cheap, and you can find other good uses for it.
Connect the tone generator to the end of the wire, then use the probe. You can hear the tone through the insulation of the wire, but it can also inductively induce the tone onto another wire that runs parallel to the wire you are on, so some experimenting and elimination will need to be used.
I assume the wire goes through the firewall through the large bulkhead connector, so I would look first behind the glove compartment. But it could disappear into the wire harness, only to pop out again near the right rear corner of the engine and connect to that ground stud on the intake manifold.
But I really think it will connect to a ground buss bar near the parking brake lever. No telling though, cause they change things every year, and could have stuck one of those multi point ground blocks anywhere.
Once you pretty much find what seems like the correct wire under there with the tone tools, unplug that end and use an Ohm meter, and a little pull and tug to make sure it is the one.
Once both ends of the wire are free, the tone will be very noticably stronger on the tested wire, but you may also be looking for a break back along the wire, or a bad connection in a connector. That is where the tone tools will really help.
