Chevrolet Repair: 2003 Chevrolet Cavalier, 2003 chevrolet cavalier, cv joints

I know you said you prefer not to answer questions about cars '99 or newer but for this it may be a simple problem.

I drive a 2003 Chevrolet Cavalier and the problem occurs once I am going over 65mph. The car beings to shake, not too badly, but enough that the wheel starts to shake and I can feel it in my arm enough that I know this is bad. Now I rarely go over 65 but I am wondering what this may be.

Hi Bill,
Normally when one starts to shake at a predictable speed, it is associated with wheel balance, or driveline balance.
The most common is the wheels.
If you take it to the speed where it shakes, and shift the car carefully to neutral, and let off the gas, if the shake continues, you have eliminated the engine as a problem.
But i would recommend a trip to a tire shop, and have them spin balance the tires, and while they are doing it, see if any of the wheels are bent, or if any of the tires are breaking down.

Ask them to also look at your drive axles and CV joints to see if there is any unusual slack, which would allow them to move off center, and shake.
