Chevrolet Repair: engine start, vent tube, spray paint

Hey Barry,
I've got a high perf 327, 1965.
It's been sitting for a month and now won't start. It started fine a month ago. I see where the see-through fuel filter has no gas in it. With a mechanical fuel pump, what is the method(s) of priming, or do you suggest something else?

Check all rubber hoses clear back to tank for cracks, etc. Depending on type of carb. fill carb. bowl(s) with gas, using a small funnel. I usually use a clean spray paint cap, about 3/4 cap for each bowl(Holley, AFB), full cap for Q jets. Again, using a small funnel that fits the bowl vent tube. Start engine, and if runs out of gas, check for restrictions, if none, then I'd assume fuel pump has failed. Good Luck!