Chevrolet Repair: Water pump???, chevy blazer, signs of a bad water pump

98 Chevy Blazer - What are signs of a bad water pump?  Are they costly to fix professionally?  Or could I possibly replace it myself?  Also, I think I have a blower motor problem...after running heater for about 10-15 minutes, it blows almost nothing, but sounds like it is blowing into the glove compartment.  Could these two problems be linked together?  Is the blower motor expensive to fix?


Hello Wayne,
If that item under the hood frosting up is near the blower, you are possibly low on freon. If the evaporator freezes, air can't flow, then it freezes more.
It will do it even with the defroster on, and be worse in humid weather, and especially if the fan is on low.

You can go to the following site and do a search for "blower motor" and probably get some more ideas. Open the search up to about 6 months.
You will like that site, and it is free.
