Chevrolet Repair: 1996 Suburban intermittent electrical, leak acid, intermittent connection

Hi Mark,
Yesterday my wife had problems starting her Suburban.  She drove it to the store and then when she returned to the car it was completely unresponsive.  No interior lights, no dash lights, nothing.  She wiggled the shift lever and tried again and everything was fine.  The second time it happened nothing worked and she left it for me.  When I got home I got in the vehicle.  There was no electrical.  I popped the hood, planning to jump start it.  When I opened the hood the engine light came on nice and bright.  So I got back in the car and everything was working fine again.  This morning I drove the car to the gas station, no problem.  Started right up at the station and drove to work.  No problem.  I'm worried that this might be a symptom of something bigger.  I had a new ignition switch installed one month ago.  Any ideas?

Hello Patrick, You want to check the connection at the battery. Grab onto the cables and make sure that they are tight. Also check the positive post in the battery, they will break inside and leak acid and make for a intermittent connection. If you see any acid leaking from the battery it is no good, replace it!!

Let me know what you find
