Chevrolet Repair: Suburban transmission over heat, tempeture, rapit

We have a 1990 Suburban 1500 4X4 and are towing a 3400 lb travel trailer, with a wieght distribution hitch and a Haydon Rapit-cool transmission cooler. Our transmission asperates oil when the radiator exceeds 205 degrees(up hills). We blew a transmission last year for the same reasons. Had it replaced with a rebuilt and installed the trans cooler. Will replacing the thermostate with a lower tempeture release (around 180 or less) fix the problem? I would like to install a transmission temp gauge but not sure how it would connect to the transmission. We are in Baja Mexico so we are on our own for repair. Any ideas are appreciated.


Hello Lori,
I don't think the lower temp thermostat would help any, but a larger trans oil cooler might.
Make sure there isn't a bunch of trash between the radiator and a/c condenser, because you need the air flow through any cooler.
Keeping it from shifting too often, and also staying in a lower gear could both help.