Chevrolet Repair: rear end noise, 1999 Suburban, dish pan, limited slip

I recently had the rear fluid changed and the tech indicated that there was significant amount of what appeared to be beraing material in the old fluid. Truck now has developed a grinding noise at 60 to 65 mph. Rear end bearing ?

Hi John,
I wish he had shown you the material, but if it is making a bad noise, get it changed again, and have a clean plastic container, like a tupperware, or little dish pan/ litter box type container, to catch it in. Then get a clean magnet and run it around in the oil. Wipe it off on a clean paper towell, and see what you have.
Bearings are a good possibility, but soon followed by tooth chips, or complete teeth if a bearing goes completely out.
If it is a limited slip, then special limited slip additive, or oil must be used, or noise will develop during turning.
