Chevrolet Repair: How do I know, chevy s10 blazer, s10 blazer 4x4

Hi Van I have a1984 chevy S10 blazer 4x4 with a 2.8 and doing some work on it and am lost need help knowing what valve's are intake and what valve's are exhaust cuz when my engine is on the No. 1 firing position. I am to adjust intake 1,5&6 Exhaust 1,2&3 and if I dont know what valves are what I'll never get this engine done if I cant figer this out plz help thank you.

Hi Chuck,
A picture in a manual would show you. But lacking a manual, look at the manifold ports closest to the valves, and lign them up.
If you are readjusting them, the valves you need to adjust should be loose at that engine position.
Now...I dug out a book for a 1987 2.8L V6, and I will tell you what that valve arrangement is.
They are :
RIGHT BANK(Passenger side)..E-I-E-I-I-E...FRONT TO REAR.
LEFT BANK,(Drivers side)...E-I-I-E-I-E...FRONT TO REAR.

Notice they are opposite, because the heads are interchangable, so if you look at them as heads "off the engine", they are the same.

Good luck,