Chevrolet Repair: auto parts, mass air flow sensor, air flow sensor

I have a 1987 Camaro Iroc, fuel injection. The part I am looking for sits behind the radiator on top of the motor. I do not know what the name of it is but I can describe it somewhat. One LARGE hose in the center starting at the radiator,it extends towards the back and connects via clamp to another part that sits at the first section of the engine. I have been told it is a air flow kit, but I can't find this part anywhere. I need to find the entire kit do you have any idea what I am refering to? Oh by the way,(yes I am a female)sorry I can repair some things but detailed repairs are out of my league.  

Hi Alisa, Yes your name gave it away(female):) What your looking for is the mass air flow sensor and the air flow tubes that connect it. You can either check a junk yard or go the chevy dealer to order them. You might also what to check to see if the aftermarket companys make what you need. Check K and M air filters, summit etc.

Have a Nice Day    Mark