Chrysler Repair: 1997 sebring convertible

I was reading you answer about the CCd code on a sebring. We have a 1997 sebring convertible that won't start and that the Ccd code comes on. When the code come on it. the engine won't fire up. We tried pressing and holding the us/m and step button; then turn the ignition key on. The Ccd code still comes on. However, we did the code reader but no code come on just comes out as "passed". We used two different code readers and the results still says "passed". Would it be the ECM or PCM not working?

Hi Carmelita,
I am not clear as to what you mean by the "Ccd code". Where does it appear and does it only show "Ccd". I hadn't heard of using the us/m and step button (are those on the gas mileage readout box?) and where did you learn that would give you the engine fault codes?
"Passed" appears where and are you sure it refers to the fault code situation?
'97 was the in-between year for the ODD-1 and OBD-2 code systems so I am less familiar with that year than for '96 and '98 for which I do have the manuals.
So tell me anything more that you can.