Chrysler Repair: Chrysler T&C AWD IPM removal

I have managed to rotate the IPM up after unlatching, and I am faced with a myriad of plugs in sockets that I am not sure how to disengage. The IPM removal is part of a troubleshooting process to trace a 2.18 amp current between ground post and battery cable lug, switches off. This has been draining my battery big time. I took every fuse and relay out, and tested current flow, got the same result. So that is why I am trying to isolate the IPM, since the short is not in a fused circuit or in a relay.

Hi Lee,
I just found your question in the "pool" to which it was referred by Kevin, the other expert.
All the plugs should be a straight pull out of their sockets.
What is the year model of the vehicle? I have the wiring diagrams up to 2010 so maybe I can figure out where this current is coming from/going.
If removing the fuses doesn't cut the current to about25 mA, one item to disconnect is the alternator and see what that does.
Let me know and we'll go from there.