Chrysler Repair: folding rear mirror wires color: Minivan export

Can U tell me the meaning of the different coloured wires that goes to the rear mirror (passenger side ) on a chrysler voyager 2001  ( 2.5 luxury, petrol)

in particular i would know wich colour drives the opening and closing of this mirror. can u help me ?

Hi Marco,
The wires at the right folding mirror that drive that motor are tan/light blue on pin 1 of the plug and tan/light green on pin 7 of the plug. The polarity of the 12v is reversed to reverse the motion. The pin 1 wire goes to pin 30 of the black/green plug at the body control module while the pin 7 wire goes to pin 8 of passenger side folding mirror relay located on the right side kick panel (located to the right of the passenger's lower right leg).
You can test the motor with jumpers to pins 1 and 7, and test the wires for continuity.
Please read the PS (below) and respond to it.
Thanks for doing that.