Chrysler Repair: 93 Town and Country: code 43

I didn't get your e-mail. the e-mail address I sent isn't working. But, I did figure out the problem. Even though the wiring tested good, when I overlayed the Red-yellow wire, the code 43 went away. so apparently ohm test is not always accurate. thank you

I am pleased to learn that you solved the problem.
Here is what I sent:
If the code 43 was obtained by the ignition key approach, let me mention that code 43 does not uniquely point to the #3 primary circuit but also to #2 and #1. So you may well want to check all the three circuit wires and plugs related to the primary windings of the ignition coil if you have not already done that. Is it obvious as to which plugs are not producing good quality sparks? Might you be misreading the check engine light flashes if there is no noticeable problem with how the engine is performing? I assume this is the 3.3L engine.
Please read the PS (below) and respond to it.
Thanks for doing that.