Chrysler Repair: ETAX codes 41, 51, 58: 92 LeBaron cont....., solenoid pack, postal mail

"Hi Megan,
I am glad that the 51 code appeared as that has the possibility of simply being a wiring issue, not like the code 52 which pretty much says there is a serious internal issue.
I looked a little further in my '92 manual and found that there are specific measurements to do for each of the three codes. These are covered on about a dozen pages in the manual (not so many tests as that implies, however) and so once you have the multi-meter you would be able to do these tests yourself and likely figure out what is wrong. Don't buy another solenoid pack until you do the testing as it will tell you for sure if that is needed or not.
I can copy those pages and postal mail them to you if you would like them. Just tell me your postal mailing address. If you would send me back four postage stamps after you get the pages that would cover my costs.""

Hi Roland, since I couldn't ask another follow-up question, I just started a new one. Hopefully this doesn't throw you off too much. Anyways, I would love to get photocopies of those pages regarding testing for each code. Due to privacy, I cannot give my postal address, but would you be able to scan and send these pages via email? If this is done professionally by a UPS Store or FedEx, I can PayPal the total cost to you in return. Let me know what would work best for you! My brother is coming this Saturday with his multimeter, so having those pages would come in handy. Thanks again Roland!


ANSWER: Hi Megan,
Even to send the pages by email I need to know your email address as that doesn't appear to the 'experts' on this site automatically. There is a box to click that will make your follow-up question 'private' and then only I will see that address. If by Saturday you mean day after tomorrow then I would have to get them scanned at UPS to get there by then. I would go and get that done. Sorry to say, I don't have a document scanner here at my home. If it is a week from now then of course I can postal mail it. Either way just make your question 'private' and then I can respond back to you. To be sure the email address gets through don't use the @ symbol instead us 'at', otherwise the address may be automatically erased.
I think these pages will be helpful as they are specific step-by-step for the codes that you show.
If you would be so kind as to give me another 'nomination' for this answer I would be most appreciative.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks Roland, as for Saturday, I do mean the day after tomorrow! lol Anyways, email is m_snickers5 at Let me know what UPS charges and I'll hook you up with return "shipping".

Hi Megan,
I called the nearby UPS and they charge $1 per page, and there are 10 pages so with tax that would cost $10.85. I found a copy center that will do it for around $2 so will go there..
I did go to the copy shop and they did 11 pages for $2 and emailed them to your email address around 5 pm PDT. If you would like to reimburse me just credit my Paypal which is "rfinston "at" or you can send me the amount in postage stamps to 856 Thornwood Drive, Palo Alto, CA 94303-4436.
I would very much appreciate your doing another rating and also give a 'yes' to the question about a nomination of me for volunteer of the month. You can do that multiple times (up to 5 times in a month). Thanks again.
I hope the pages will sort out the cause of your situation. Let me know what happens, please.