Chrysler Repair: 2001 PT cruiser speedometer, throttle plate, passage way

Hi  I'm trying to help a neighbor with her Cruiser. The engine light came on and the speedo started acting spastic bouncing or at times not working at all.  I checked the code and it came back as being a speed sensor. Sounded right to me so we replaced the output sensor. Still doing the same thing but the light has stayed off. Then she tells me that it had been kinda surging or revving before the speedo quit.  I set my scanner to view live data and saw right away that at idle the TP was way over 10% at 15%.  I dont have the book but that seems high. I also took the #4 spark plug out and its really bad. Im sure the rest are bad, too. The gap calls for .50 and the electrode is burned down so much that the gap is .75
   The bad plugs are the cause of some of the surging but Im unsure about the rest. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

         Dawg  from Tucson

Hi Dawg,
Yes change the plugs. Also remove the air intake and clean the throttle body throat, both sides of the throttle plate, and the idle air passage way on the side of the throat.
On the speed sensor, check the connection of the light green/white wire on pin 2 to pin 14 of the tcm and check the dark blue/black on pin 1 to pin 13 of the tcm.
Good work using the cacnner!
Please read the PS below.