Chrysler Repair: 2006 sebring sedan power window issues, voltage polarity, polarity reversal

I have an issue where the driver window and passenger right rear windows don't work.  The right front passenger and left rear passenger windows are fine.  All motors work.  The problem was intermitant.  They both didnt work- then they did - now they stopped again.  I removed the driver door panel and replaced the main switch.  Same issue- 2 work and 2 don't- diagonally.  Can a relay do that?  Cause 2 diagonally to work and 2 diagonally not to work?  I am thinking maybe broken wires at this point?  Please help

Hi Mike,
There is no relay involved in the power window circuitry. I don't understand when you say "all motors work" when clearly at times 2 of the four motors don't work. Maybe you mean that 2 of the motors work, but not predictably and when they don't this occurs simultaneously. My first question would be when they don't work, does the right rear passenger window work when actuated at the right rear passenger door switch? There is nothing in the circuit that would cause a 'diagonal' failure.
My observation about the driver window is that even though you replaced the master switch it still is not reliably working always. That window is the simplest circuit of the four in that only one switch controls it and it is part of the master switch, and furthermore it has no splices/connectors between the switch and the motor, and the power source for its circuit is shared by all the other window motors. So either there is a problem with one of the two wires from the master to the motor, or there is a problem with the motor itself.
So try shaking the wires between the master and driver motor when it isn't working and if that doesn't reveal a broken wire then verify that you have 12v when measured between the white and the light blue wires at the motor when requesting it, and that the polarity reverses when you ask for the opposite motion. If you have the voltage and voltage polarity reversal and the motor doesn't respond then the motor has to be intermittently bad.
On the right rear, do the same thing only try to activate it via the master, and then see what happens if you try to activate it with its local switch, and finally remove the door panel and see whether you get 12v between the 2 wires at the motor and does ita polarity reverse when requesting the opposite motion. The fact that 2 switches can activate that motor means that there could be an issue with the master switch except for the fact that your replaced the switch. So it could be a wire that is intermittent. I can tell you which one is the likely problem wire and also I can email you the wiring diagrams.
If you want the diagrams tell me your email address, but don't use the @ symbol, use 'at' or the address will be erased.
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