Chrysler Repair: 2001 Town & Country Power Window Issue, control cables, issue question

QUESTION: I have been reading the others posts trying to find an answer, but have not found the same issue.  Basically, I am hoping to find out the possible issue, so if parts are needed I can get them before opening the door, as I would have to put it together again to drive and get the parts.

Yesterday my wife lowered the driver side window and it will only come up 1/4 of the way now.

The window will go down and back up again to the same 1/4 position.  The window movement is slow.  If you try to go up and down and up and down, the window stops working and then works again in a minute or two.

I do not know if dirt is stuck in the track or there is an intermittent electrical issue.  The window will not go up past the same 1/4 up mark.

My guess was maybe something is stuck in the track and the motor overheats?

From the other posts, it seems it could be many things.

Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Norman,
I would believe that the only way to find out what is wrong is to remove the inside door panel and inspect the mechanism which involves removing the interior trim panel. I believe you should be able to drive to a store for parts, if needed. I can send the instruction for removing the panel as an attachment to an email I would send directly. Ask a follow-up question and tell me that but don't use the @ symbol instead use 'at', otherwise the address gets erased.
Please 'rate' my answer (see below).

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Roland -

I took the door panel off. Only one broken plastic clip!

There is a grinding noise when the window goes up and down.  I clean and greased the tracks and control cables (not sure of the correct names).

There is a "guide wire" inside the track towards the outside of the door.  The left track (looking from the inside" has frayed fine wires at the bottom of the track runner.  I assume this is from the thin little guide wire?

I am not sure how to proceed.


Hi Norman,
I have the '04 minivan manual on a CD from which I can copy pages and attach them to an email I can then send to you directly. The manual shows how to remove door glass and then the mechanism and once that is done you can see what needs replacement and check that out at a dealer. Let me know your email address only don't use the @ symbol, instead use "at", otherwise the program erases the entire address.
Please 'rate' my answer (see below).