Chrysler Repair: 07 chrysler 300 touring blower motor replacement, chrysler 300 touring, push pins

My blower just conked out after making a light growling noise for the past month.Where is it located and what do i need to do to replace it.Any info would be helpful. Thank you.

Hi Michael,
I have the '06 manual which no doubt is applicable to your '07. To access the blower motor, which is located on the bottom of HVAC housing on the passenger side, you first remove a panel on the under side of the dash called the 'silencer'. It has a couple of push-pins that hold it in place and then you slide the panel rearward to release it from a couple of brackets that hold the front in place and remove it. That reveals the blower motor housing which has a wire connector that you release a lock tab of, and remove it, and then the harness retainer from the outside of the round housing. Then remove the 4 screws that hold the motor in place and drop it out. The installation is the reverse. For safety purposes you may wish to disconnect the battery - post clamp and isolate it while doing the job so as to avoid any chance of accidentally setting off the airbags.
PS If you want a couple of drawing/text pages I can copy those and attach to an email. But you would need to send a 'follow-up' question, using the 'private' option, in which you tell me your email address. The experts are not given the questioners' email addresses otherwise.