Chrysler Repair: chrysler 2.5 v6 1998: bad smell smoke from tailpipe, cylinder head bolts, head gasket leak

Engine runs fine on the highway, but smokes ;no blue; smokes and smell very bad.

Hi Alexandr,
If the smoke is white, and smells like antifreeze, that means you likely have a head gasket leak allowing coolant into the combustion chambers, and then it comes out the tailpipe.
To figure out which side has the leak remove the front bank spark plugs, then have a helper crank the engine and watch for water to squirt out the spark plug holes. If none, then it is probably a leak in the rear cylinder bank.
You could then try to loosen the cylinder head bolts on the bad side about 1/2 turn, then retighten to spec following an inside-out pattern to 80 foot-pounds. Then see if it still leaks, Or you could try Bar's Leak head gasket sealer. If neither of those stop the leak then you will have to remove the head and replace the gasket.
PS Please 'rate' my answer. Thanks