Chrysler Repair: 97 Sebring Convertible JX 2.5L No spark, crank sensor, chilton manuals

Good morning Roland, I have read through all of your excellent answers that I could find on this subject; actually I printed them out to use in addition to my Haynes and Chilton manuals.   So I have done the fuse #1 test (no voltage), bench tested all associated relays in both boards (all good), etc. What I have come across though is in testing the crank sensor for a 'pulse' I  found that I only have .5 volts at the orange/white wire that I believe supplies the power to the crank and cam sensors. I back tracked to post 44 on the PCM and only had .5v exiting the controller. In your experience, could this indicate a bad PCM? Also in a lot of your posts you mention your manual for this vehicle. Is that the red Chrysler shop manual I see for sale occasionally or is yours a different one. The reason I ask is that your wire colors for components are spot on but any manuals that I have are not even close. If I am to keep and enjoy this car I'm going to need a better manual. Thanks for your time and willingness to share your experience. Chuck

Hi Chuck,
Did you mean 'fuse #1 test'? That one, whether in the PDC or Junction block would not be relevant to a no start. That aside, correct that the pin 44 should show 5V. Have you disconnected the plug at the pcm and the plugs at the cam and crank sensors, and then tested the orange/white to be sure it isn't shorted to ground, as the cause for only 0.5V? Also just in case, see whether the cam or crank sensor might be internally shorting the voltage to ground by measuring the voltage at each sensor's orange/white wire at its disconnected plug when the other sensor is connected. If those tests pass, then the pcm would be suspect of having a bad 5v supply.
Yes, the '97 Chrysler manuals are red/orange and I have obtained them on eBay, slowly over the years waiting for reasonable prices.
You are very welcome.