Chrysler Repair: 2006 T&C Limited 3.8L: headlamp & cluster flickering, left turn signal, soldering pencil

QUESTION: Kevin, the digital odometer and transmission gear selector lights in my instrument cluster flicker after first starting my vehicle. Also, the right turn signal display sometimes will partially light up when the left turn signal is activated. I took the vehicle to my local dealership and they said I needed to replace the battery because the one I had was too powerful for the vehicle. I bought a new battery but still have the same problem. Thank you.

ANSWER: Hi Rennie,
Try hitting the top of the dash just above the instrument cluster when you see the problem to note whether that changes the behavior. If it does then it suggests that one of the connections between the socket and circuit board has a 'cold' solder joint(s). If you removed the cluster, removed the connecting plug from the socket, then notice that the socket has wire pins that connect it to the circuit board, and then take a soldering pencil and heat up the solder joints so that each one melts enough to glisten, then let it cool. See if that corrects the problem.

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QUESTION: Thanks Roland.
Just to make sure we are on the same page, are you talking about the solder joints on the backside of the circiut board where the pins connect to the board? Do I need any of the soldering flux or just the soldering pencil itself? I'll tell you, I wonder where some of these mechanics at dealerships get their credentials. They never mentioned anything about what you have told me about even if that does not fix the problem.

ANSWER: Yes, where the pin connects to the board, on the side that has 'traces', there are already solder joints and those are less then perfect or crack due to flexing of the board at the joints. So simply re-heating what solder is there is usually sufficient to make a good connection again. You could 'add' a little electronic solder but you have to be careful not to make it to big such a joint as to flow to separated joints together making a short circuit.

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QUESTION: Hello again Roland, I re-heated the joints yesterday and it did not fix the problem. But, I completely forgot to mention to you (sorry about that) that my headlights, when they are on, will also flicker at the same time the instrument cluster digital lights flicker. There must be a common circuit that both of these systems use that is causing the problem for it to happen at the same time. I just do not know what it is. The problem is not constant but happens pretty regularly. Thank you for your continued help with this.  

Hi Rennie,
I would focus on the headlamp switch and the connections between it and the body computer under the dash. Both the headlamp activation and the panel lamps are controlled in that switch and the two wires connecting it to the computer. You could begin by removing the switch and spraying some electical contact cleaner inside of it through any openings accessible to the straw applicator. Also spray the cleaner on plug and socket pins of the switch. The wires that are involved are on pins 6 and 11 so any dirt or poor connection would impact the reliability of the signal it sends to the computer. If that doesn't fix it then check pins 21 and 21 of the black/gray plug at the body computer which are connections from the headlamp wires, and spray them lightly as well.
To get to the switch you remove the lower steering column cover of the instrument panel by prying gently on the right hand end to release belt loops, then pull it rearward to disengage it from spring clips. The end cap may also be released if necessary by removing 3 screws. You can then reach up behind the panel and release spring clip(s) that holds the headlamp switch to the panel and then push the switch rearward out of the panel (at least that is how I interpret the directions).