Chrysler Repair: 97 2.5L stalls when warm, crankshaft position sensor, crankshaft pulley

starts fine when cold once it warms up wont rev stalls and hard to start i get code 12 car has new computer distributor and fuel pump

Hi Mike,
If it will re-start fairly soon after stalling, giving it sometime to cool off, it could be one of the engine rotation sensors. My suspicion is that the sensor in the distributor OR the crankshaft position sensor is failing when it warms up, then recovers as it cools down, which is a very common behavior.  The quickest way to find out which is to be prepared to check the sensors when the engine won't re-start by measuring the signals coming from the sensor with a voltmeter attached between the sensor signal and ground wires. You would put the key in the 'run' position, then turn the engine over by hand using a ratchet handle on the crankshaft pulley bolt. You would expect to see the voltage oscillate between 5 and 0.3V as you rotate the engine. If not, then that sensor is the cause of the failure.
On the distributor the wires would be tan/yellow and black/light blue on pins 3 and 1 of the 6-pin plug, while the crank sensor would be the gray/black and black/light blue on the sensor plug. You could also access them at the pcm on 33/43 and 32/43, respectively by piercing the insulation with a fine pin to which to attach the leads of the voltmeter. But check to be sure it still won't start before you check the voltages.

PS Sorry for the delay but I just found your question in the 'pool' to which the other expert had referred it. If you would 'rate' my answer I would be most appreciative; and where you see the question about "volunteer of the month" please consider a 'yes' answer.