Chrysler Repair: 2.7L no start: code 0108, jumper cables, milky brown

I have a 2002 Intrepid with the dreaded 2.7l  It belonged to a buddy of mine and the radiator started leaking.  We replaced it and it ran for about 2 minutes and died.  During those 2 minutes it was smoking and lacking in power.  I have spark, fuel pump is cycling, and we did a compression check.  Have tried some starting fluid and that didn't make it run even a short bit.  It seems to "want" to start every so often, the RPMs will reach 900 for a second then goes away.  The oil was (did an oil change) milky brown like a head gasket however i would think it should still start and kinda run.  I have also unplugged the 3 sensors (one at a time) that are on the throttle body and the intake and tried to start it as well.  Codes from the key cycling is 108.  compression is 110psi-ish per cyl.  Battery is fully charged and usually has jumper cables on it while trying to start it.  

Any direction you could point me in would be terrific and much appreciated.


Hi Jeremy,
That 0108 code is saying the MAP sensor voltage is out of the normal range(high). I would verify the wires are patent from it to the PCM plugs and showing the voltage/ground/signal that it should, and if that is the case then I would replace the MAP sensor. The black/light blue wire at the plug is the sensor signal reference ground at it should be connected to pin 43; the violet/white wire is the 5V reference and it should be connected to pin 61 and should read 5V with the ignition "on", and the dark green/red is the MAP signal voltage and it should be connected to pin 36 and should read around 4.5V just sitting there with the ignition "on". Then when cranking the voltage should drop some and when it is idling would be around 3V.
But if you don't have the meter to test all that: If the harness wires supplying the sensor look OK then I would suspect that the sensor has gone bad. It is mounted on the driver side of the intake manifold.
PS Sorry for the delay as your question just showed up in the 'pool' to which it had been referred by Kevin.