Chrysler Repair: Chrysler voyager: oil in the coolant, vouyger, coolant system

hi there wonder if you can help our Chrysler vouyger le r reg 2ltr (1997) we have a small problem with oil going into the radiator there is oil in the engine and no water getting in there . but oil getting in the radiator please any ideas thanks christine

Hi Christine,
There are two possibilities which you can differentiate by the color of the oil, possibly.
It could either be that there is a leak between the transmission cooler coil and the coolant system coil in the radiator assembly itself. Were that the case you might find foam condition in the transmission as seen on the dip stick for the transmission and the oil in the radiator would look/smell like transmission fluid. Then you would want to replace the radiator unit.
If the oil is more like engine oil then it could be a more or less one way leak that is happening in the engine where the oil pressure, being greater than the coolant pressure when the engine is running, will cause oil to go into the coolant, rather than vice versa. So see what the oil is like if you can tell the difference, and check the trans fluid for level and foam on the dipstick and let me know what you find.