Chrysler Repair: 2.0L sohc change out: crank sensor differs?, crank shaft, crank sensor

i have a 2000 dodge neon,it has a 2,0 sohc motor,it blew the valves in it so i got a low millage 2.0 same motor bolted it in ,,it has a different crank shaft sensor,,does that matter and what do i do,,thanks douglas,paradise calif

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Hi Douglas,
What is the year model of the donor engine? If you can check the wire color at pin 1 of harnesses, if your '00 has an orange wire then that is an 8V sensor, while if the donor car wire is violet/white than that sensor is a 5V. You would want to use the original '00 motor's sensor unless it won't fit, and if not then you will need to change the power source and probably that would involve a small change of wiring. It seems somewhere along the line the type of sensor changed as far as the power supply to operate it is concerned. I hope that mechanically the sensors are identical fit-wise. So compare the wire colors of the two vehicles harnesses and also compare the mechanical fits. If you have to use the new sensor, maybe just changing the source of the power supply wire on pin 1 from the 8V splice to the 5V splice might be all that is necessary. Then the pcm wouldn't have to be changed, if the voltage pulses are readable by your '00 pcm