Chrysler Repair: 96 town and country wont shift, automatic overdrive transmission, independent shop

I have a 96 town and country V6, automatic overdrive transmission, I was driving home from work and it just acted like it went to neutral, then, it went to first? gear, now it won't shift to any gear, I unhooked the battery, reconnected it took it down the road, and it changed from first to second and then acted like it was going into third, but back to neutral, then back to first? (I think it is in first, might be second because I have never owned anything that would run 65 MPH in first) gear.  Is there something simple causing this? maybe needs new fluid? or just a loose wire? All help will be greatly appreciated.

Hi Sam,
It is gone into 'limp mode' which means it only drives in 2nd gear. It is is a fall back mode when the contol computer senses a fault of some sort and is designed to keep you going until you can correct the problem without doing damage. But keep your speed below 55 till then.
Of course check the dip stick  but only add ATF+4 type trans fluid if you are low, and don't overfill it. Otherwise, go to an Autozone Parts store for a free fault code readout or an independent shop who will do it for $40 or less. Get the 4-digit fault code numbers and let me know what they are and we will go from there. Good luck.