Chrysler Repair: 00 Voyager airbag light, crash sensors, chrysler voyager

I am in the UK an have a 2000 Chrysler Voyager 2.0L with 150,000 miles.
A few days ago my airbag light started coming on for a few minutes then going off. A few days later I reversed to park and it came on and has stayed on since. I am aware of the clockspring issue and suspect this to be the problem (all other electics are OK). Local dealer qouted £82 (about $120) per hour and said it would take about 3/4 hour just to diagnose (I can't believe it takes that long to hook up the tester and read the error codes), then parts and labour to fix (unless it is only the clockspring of course, but I suspect they will identify something else to get the money from me). I have checked fuses and connections to the airbag control module which seem OK and want to check other wiring etc.
My question is, are there any other crash sensors or components that affect the airbag light and where are they located. The service manager said there was a sensor at each wheel but I can only see speed sensors and didn't think they affected the airbag system.
Many thanks.

Hi John,
The manager is way out of date. The sensors at the wheels are for anti-lock brake system. The impact sensor is a single accelerometer and it is located in the airbag control module proper which is at the bottom of the center console, just forward of the console. I would check around to see if you can find another shop that can read out the fault codes that might be stored in the Chrysler control module memory. I agree that the most likely reason for the failure is the clockspring connection to the airbag. Maybe the most prudent way to go is just get a new clockspring and install it.
Here is the procedure:
Begin by disconnecting the - post battery clamp. Wait for 2 minutes before doing anything related to the airbag system.
Position steering wheel straight ahead.
Remove air bag module from steering wheel (screws on the back side of the wheel).
Disconnect wire connectors from back of module after releasing lock. Place air bag carefully on counter with pad side up. Remove screws holding speed control switches to wheel, disconnect wires and remove switches. Remove nut from center of steering wheel, mark shaft and wheel for later repositioning.
Remove steering wheel using a wheel puller if necessary.
Remove steering columns shrouds (screws on the underside)
Remove the 2-way and 4-way connectors from the clockspring to the steering column harness.
Remove the clockspring by pressing the 2 tabs on the assembly at about 5 o'clock and 11 o'clock
Install is the reverse.
You will want to center the new clockspring: Push in on the two locking pins to release the mechanism. While still depressing the pins turn the clockspring rotor fully clockwise but gently to end of motion. Turn counter clockwise until yellow appears in the centering window. The arrow on the rotor should be pointing toward the yellow window. Put the assembly in place.  Release the locking pins to engage the mechanism. Put the wheel in place, feeding the wire from the clockspring through the wheel openings. Replace steering wheel aligned to shaft, and make sure flats on wheel align to flats on clockspring inside. Tighten nut to 45 inch-pounds. Re-wire in reverse of removal. Tighten airbag retaining nuts to 90 inch-pounds.
Finally reconnect battery - post clamp.
This is taken from the '98 factory manual but the '02 manual is basically the same.